Friday, July 31, 2009

VB Macros : Extract out filename

To extract the file name use the following code :

Dim fileName As String
Dim Location As Integer

fileName= ActiveDesignFile.Name
Location = InStrRev(fileName, ".", -1)
fileName = Mid(fileName, 1, Location - 1)

Now What this code will do is that it will extreact out the name of the file for eample if the file name is "example.txt" it will return you "example" int the string fileName

VB Macros : Code to convert String to Byte Array

Use StrConv function with "vbFromUniCode" to convert a VB String to a byte array of ANSI Charecters

Here is the Code

Dim srcString As String
Dim destArr() As Byte

secString = ActiveDesignFile.Name ' You can place any string here
destArr = StrConv(srcString, vbFormUniCode)

What this will do is that it will take your string, convert each charecter to ANSI, and store it in the designated array.